Battlefields Foundation and HistoryFix Team up to Preserve Valley's Battlefields
The Battlefields Foundation has a new way to raise money for battlefield preservation! Thanks to HistoryFix, for every new or renewing subscriber to their streaming site who joins with an annual plan, HistoryFix will donate $5 to the preservation efforts in the Shenandoah Valley.
HistoryFix is a streaming video platform that has movies, documentaries, short films, and more. They even have a category for the Shenandoah Valley! New programs are uploaded weekly, to both entertain and inform. They are an ad-free platform, so no commercials to interrupt your viewing. Their range of history covers from the 1st Century BC, up to the Boston Marathon bombing, so there is something there for everyone to learn.
While you contribute to preservation, take a discount for yourself!
Use discount code: NM160 to save 30% off when you subscribe with the annual plan for your first year. Battlefield preservation receives $5, and you get an exciting year of continually growing historical programming for less than $3 a month! The first 7 days are free to try.
To help us, and explore HistoryFix, use the link below.
After you sign up on the website, enjoy HistoryFix there, or visit one of the following app stores to watch on your preferred device: Google Play Store, Apple App Store, AppleTV, Android TV, Fire TV, Roku, and Chromecast. Programs can be downloaded and watched offline on mobile devices.